Fairy Tales and Korean Dramas
Fairy tales & Korean Dramas
Korean Dramas are unhealthy. Pointless, save for raising one's hopes and spirits just to have them come crashing again when faced with reality. You see, in stories Snow White always finds her Prince and they ride off into the sunset. A picture perfect setting. Now, in reality Snow White finds her Prince, gets scared off by the fact that she found him or finds herself embroiled in a web of intrigue involving the ghosts of ex-girlfriends and various other love triangles. Or simply Prince Charming is just the solemn malcontent fellow who is unable to adequately express his feelings. Either way, she gets tired of waiting for him and leaves his charming ass and by the time the realisation hits -- she is a complete moron. Its to late. The prince is already dating a gorgeous porcelain-faced supermodel type from another kingdom. But wait, you say, it's not over. There could still be a happy ending. Can Snow White win back the Prince? That is the question. In the tale she probably gets drenched in the falling rain inevitably catching a terrible cold or collapses out of sheer exhaustion and he comes to her rescue on horseback. Now back to reality. There are no dragons and, unless you are into equestrians, not many guys are riding around on horses. The truth is nothing ever really works out the way you thought it would when you were a child and few to none actually get a love narrative worth writing about. Unless its titled "The prince who never called" or "The princess and her friday night alone", I think that at the heart of this issue, no matter how progressive society is and how empowered women are there lies at the core -- a little girl's fear that their biography will be about a bitter old woman that lives alone with her cats. Tell me... how many people's life stories end with the magical phrase "Happily Ever After"?
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