What Is The Secret?

Monday, April 30, 2007

Hana Kami 花樣少年少女

you got sano! moody and silent, he's the main love interest for mizuki, the sort of guy who isn't very talkative at all, the sort of guy who keeps his feelings, his emotions, and basically everything he's thinking locked up inside. he's, you know, not so much the mysterious type as the brooding type, sexy and with the occasional "i'm so sweet" tendency, though he's not the best conversationalist.
take the quiz:which hanakimi boy is right for -you-?

左以泉=Izumi Sano=吳尊(Wu Zun)
The T-Drama version
This is my latest obsession!
It is laugh-a-minute & hilarious and guess who is oh-so cute??
吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊 吳尊

p/s: There is just no simple explanation for attraction, I often thank my lucky stars, to have found my "左以泉"!

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